Comité de quartier Saint Jacques

Comité de quartier Saint Jacques

District assembly Saint Jacques, monthly meeting of traders and residents of the District Saint Jacques. May 14 2013. 6:30pm
Comité de quartier Saint Jacques. Réunion mensuelle. 14 mai 2013. 18h30
Wijkcomité Sint Jacobswijk. Maandelijkse vergadering van bewoners en handelaars. 14 mei 2013. 18u30


Facebook LFEO goes on from morning to evening. A last one today: Comité de Quartier Saint-Jacques are inhabitants and traders from around the area of Manneke Pis. Once a month they meet in the restaurant Cercle des Voyageurs to discuss the living situation in the quartier.


>> Eyewitness report by Karlien Vanhoonacker


optie2 wijkcomité