Foyer, an integration centre in Molenbeek, wood workshop. May 8, 2013. 5:00pm
Foyer, atelier. 8 mai 2013. 17h00
Foyer, integratiecentrum in Molenbeek. Werkplaats. 8 mei 2013. 17u00
LFEO went to a woodwork atelier at Le Foyer, an integration centre in Molenbeek. The atelier is used by men and some women, different ages, mainly from Maghreb countries. During the day people living in the neighbourhoud can come and use the atelier here for free. Interesting to be hosted by different cultures of hospitality.
This time our contact person has prepared thee and biscuits. She announces the surprise visit of LFEO by recalling another special visit: years ago the Belgian king came to the atelier, and now a project from Kunstenfestivaldesarts. For the first time LFEO is performed with an audience standing, which creates a different relation: the eyes of the one who speaks and the eyes of those who listen on the same level. Even if it’s amazlingly silent in the audience, it’s as if suddenly the text becomes more a dialogue.