ISS Cleaning Service at Kiasma

ISS Cleaning Service at Kiasma

ISS (International Service Solutions), a global provider of facility services. Monthly staff meeting of the cleaning team of Kiasma Contemporary Arts Center in the Kiasma Seminar Room. August 5, 2013. 12:00 am.
ISS kansainvälinen kiinteistö- ja toimitilapalveluyritys. Kiasman siivoushenkilökunnan kuukausipalaveri Kiasman seminaarissa. 5. elokuuta 2013 klo 12.00.


FacebookHelsinki still in holiday mode. LFEO slowly wakes up the city. Starting with the cleaning team of Kiasma – museum of contemporary art. No, they usually don’t have to clean the whole museum with only three, but this time the other three cleaners were ill…Most intimate lecture ever. 

