Wi Masanga

Wi Masanga

Wi Masanga. Neighbourhood activity of the Surinamese community in Rotterdam. September 21, 2013. 6:00 pm
Wi Masanga. Buurtactiviteit van de Surinaamse gemeenschap in Rotterdam. 21 september 2013. 18u00

Facebook Last stop in Rotterdam. Wi Masanga, a meeting centre for Afro- Surinam people, founded in the 70’s. 90 pct male black population. “We Surinam people always scream loud”, my contact person said in her introduction,” let’s see if a European has a loud enough voice to do this.” A lot of tumult, going in and out, talking, drinking, playing, not easy to grab attention. But silence in the end. And a big guy coming to congratulate Sarah: ” You have courage, as a white woman here. I never manage to get them silent.” Intense experiences in Rotterdam.
From tomorrow on: Leuven.


rotterdam Wi Masanga